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S.R. White:
PRL69,2863 /
[Review Articles / Articles with Good Riviews / etc.]
Kouichi Okunishi, Tomotoshi Nishino, Hiroshi Ueda,
"Developments in the Tensor Network -- from Statistical Mechanics to Quantum Entanglement"
M.C. Banuls, R. Blatt, J. Catani, A. Celi, J.I. Cirac, M. Dalmonte, L. Fallani, K. Jansen, M. Lewenstein, S. Montangero, C.A. Muschik, B. Reznik, E. Rico, L. Tagliacozzo, K. Van Acoleyen, F. Verstraete, U.-J. Wiese, M. Wingate, J. Zakrzewski, P. Zoller,
"Simulating Lattice Gauge Theories within Quantum Technologies"
Mari Carmen Banuls, Krzysztof Cichy,
"Review on novel methods for lattice gauge theories"
Alberto Baiardi, Markus Reiher,
"The Density Matrix Renormalization Group in Chemistry and Molecular Physics: Recent Developments and New Challenges"
Hendrik Weimer, Augustine Kshetrimayum, Roman Orus,
"Simulation methods for open quantum many-body systems"
Sebastian Paeckel, Thomas Koehler, Andreas Swoboda, Salvatore R. Manmana, Ulrich Schollwoeck, Claudius Hubig,
"Time-evolution methods for matrix-product states"
Shi-Ju Ran, Emanuele Tirrito, Cheng Peng, Xi Chen, Luca Tagliacozzo, Gang Su, Maciej Lewenstein,
"Lecture Notes of Tensor Network Contractions"
Garnet Kin-Lic Chan, Anna Keselman, Naoki Nakatani, Zhendong Li, Steven R. White,
"Matrix Product Operators, Matrix Product States, and ab initio Density Matrix Renormalization Group algorithms"
Bei Zeng, Xie Chen, Duan-Lu Zhou, Xiao-Gang Wen,
"Quantum Information Meets Quantum Matter -- From Quantum Entanglement to Topological Phase in Many-Body Systems"
Ulrich Schollwoeck,
"The density-matrix renormalization group in the age of matrix product states"
Karen Hallberg,
"New Trends in Density Matrix Renormalization"
Adv. Phys. 55 (2006), 477-526.
U. Schollwoeck, S. R. White,
"Methods for Time Dependence in DMRG" in
G. G. Batrouni and D. Poilblanc (eds.),
"Effective models for low-dimensional strongly correlated systems",
p. 155, AIP, Melville, New York (2006).
Reinhard M. Noack, Salvatore R. Manmana,
"Diagonalization- and Numerical Renormalization-Group-Based Methods for Interacting Quantum
Systems", AIP Conf. Proc. 789, 93 (2005)
Ulrich Schollwoeck,
"The density-matrix renormalization group"
Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 259 (2005)
Naokazu Shibata,
"Application of the density matrix renormalization group method to finite temperatures and two-dimensional systems"
J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 36 (2003) R381
Karen Hallberg,
"Density Matrix Renormalization: A Review of the Method and its Applications" in
David Senechal, Andre-Marie Tremblay and Claude Bourbonnais (eds.), "Theoretical Methods for Strongly Correlated Electrons",
CRM Series in Mathematical Physics, Springer, New York (2003).
T. Nishino, T. Hikihara, K. Okunishi, Y. Hieida, "Density Matrix Renormalization Group: Introduction From
a Variational Point of View", Int. J. Mod. Phys. B13 (1999) 1-24.
I. Peschel, X. Wang, M. Kaulke, and K. Hallberg (Eds.), "Density-Matrix Renormalization, A New Numerical Method in Physics",
Lecture Notes in Physics , Springer, Berlin (1999).