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quant-ph/0612207: M. Asoudeh, V. Karimipour, A. Sadrolashrafi, "Quantum Phase Transitions and Matrix Product States in Spin Ladders"
0612636: A. E. Feiguin, S. R. White, D. J. Scalapino, I. Affleck, "Probing the pairing symmetry and pair charge stiffness of doped $t-J$ ladders"
0612590: Pierfrancesco Buonsante, Alessandro Vezzani, "Ground-State Fidelity and Bipartite Entanglement in the Bose-Hubbard Model"
0612540: Hiroaki Matsueda, Sumio Ishihara, "Photoinduced charge and spin dynamics in strongly correlated electron systems"
0612456: S. Capponi, G. Roux, P. Azaria, E. Boulat, P. Lecheminant, "Confinement vs Deconfinement of Cooper Pairs in One-Dimensional Spin-3/2 Fermionic Cold Atoms"
quant-ph/0612167: Antonio Acin, J. Ignacio Cirac, Maciej Lewenstein, "Entanglement Percolation in Quantum Networks"
quant-ph/0612133: Stein Olav Skrovseth, "Entanglement and its applications in systems with many degrees of freedom"
0612480: Kouji Ueda, Chenglong Jin, Naokazu Shibata, Yasuhiro Hieida, Tomotoshi Nishino, "Least Action Principle for the Real-Time Density Matrix Renormalization Group"
0612350: V.E. Sinitsyn, I.G. Bostrem, A.S. Ovchinnikov, "Symmetry adapted finite-cluster solver for quantum Heisenberg model in two-dimensions: a real-space renormalization approach"
0612341: Adrian Feiguin, Simon Trebst, Andreas W. W. Ludwig, Matthias Troyer, Alexei Kitaev, Zhenghan Wang, Michael H. Freedman, "Interacting anyons in topological quantum liquids: The golden chain"
0612263: A. Griessner, A. J. Daley, S. R. Clark, D. Jaksch, P. Zoller, "Dissipative dynamics of atomic Hubbard models coupled to a phonon bath: Dark state cooling of atoms within a Bloch band of an optical lattice"
quant-ph/0612133: Stein Olav Skr?vseth, "Entanglement and its applications in systems with many degrees of freedom"
quant-ph/0612101: C. Schoen, K. Hammerer, M.M. Wolf, J.I. Cirac, E. Solano, "Sequential Generation of Matrix-Product States in Cavity QED"
0612227: Shunsuke Furukawa, Gregoire Misguich, "Topological Entanglement Entropy in the Quantum Dimer Model on the Triangular Lattice"
0612111: Amit Tribedi, Indrani Bose, "Quantum Critical Point and Entanglement in a Matrix Product Ground State"
0612030: S.R. Manmana, S. Wessel, R.M. Noack, A. Muramatsu, "Strongly correlated fermions after a quantum quench"
0611772: A. Friedrich, A. K. Kolezhuk, I. P. McCulloch, U. Schollwock, "Edge singularities in high-energy spectra of gapped one-dimensional magnets in strong magnetic fields"
quant-ph/0611271: Jose I. Latorre, "Quantum fidelity and quantum phase transitions in matrix product states"
0611727: M. Cozzini, R. Ionicioiu, P. Zanardi, "Quantum fidelity and quantum phase transitions in matrix product states"
0611720: L. Hozoi, S. Nishimoto, C. de Graaf, "Renormalization of the quasiparticle hopping integrals by spin interactions in layered copper oxides"
0611687: Michael Levin, Cody P. Nave, "Tensor renormalization group and the solution of classical lattice models"
0611603: S. Costamagna, J. A. Riera, "Magnetic and transport properties of a one dimensional frustrated t-J model for vanadate nanotubes"
quant-ph/0611242: Davide Rossini, Tommaso Calarco, Vittorio Giovannetti, Simone Montangero, Rosario Fazio, "Decoherence induced by interacting quantum spin baths"
quant-ph/0611241: Nadav Yoran, Anthony J. Short, "Efficient classical simulation of the approximate quantum Fourier transform"
0611522: V. Murg, F. Verstraete, J. I. Cirac, "Variational study of hard-core bosons in a 2-D optical lattice using Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS)"
0611479: N. A. Lima, A. L. Malvezzi, K. Capelle, "Competition between local potentials and attractive particle-particle interactions in superlattices"
0611327: Dragi Karevski, "Ising Quantum Chains"
0611297: A. E. Feiguin, S. R. White, D. J. Scalapino, "Cooper-pair transport through a Hubbard chain sandwiched between two superconductors: Density matrix renormalization group calculations"
quant-ph/0611156 : Dorit Aharonov, Zeph Landau, Johann Makowsky, "The quantum FFT can be classically simulated"
quant-ph/0611077: D.I. Tsomokos, M.J. Hartmann, S.F. Huelga, M.B. Plenio, "Dynamics of entanglement in realistic chains of superconducting qubits"
hep-th/0611057: Jun Sato, Masahiro Shiroishi, Minoru Takahashi, "Exact evaluation of density matrix elements for the Heisenberg chain"
0611217: Y. Weiss, M. Goldstein, R. Berkovits, "Friedel oscillations in disordered quantum wires: Influence of e-e interactions on the localization length"
quant-ph/0611050: Norbert Schuch, Michael M. Wolf, Frank Verstraete, J. Ignacio Cirac, "The computational complexity of PEPS"
0611114: S. Moukouri, "Critical Exponents in a Quantum Phase Transition of an Anisotropic 2D Antiferromagnet"
0611020: H. Fehske, S. A. Trugman, "Numerical solution of the Holstein polaron problem"
quant-ph/0610210: Janet Anders, "Estimating the Degree of Entanglement of Unknown Gaussian States"
0610861: S. Miyahara, J.-B. Fouet, S.R. Manmana, R.M. Noack, H. Mayaffre, I. Sheikin, C. Berthier, F. Mila, "Uniform and staggered magnetizations induced by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in isolated and coupled spin 1/2 dimers in a magnetic field"
0610833: J. Vidal, S. Dusuel, T. Barthel, "Entanglement entropy in collective models"
0610734: Kouichi Okunishi, "Filling-dependence of the zigzag Hubbard ladder for a quasi-one-dimension al superconductor Pr_2Ba_4Cu_7O_{15-delta}"
0610689: S. Glocke, A. Klumper, J. Sirker, "The density-matrix renormalization group applied to transfer matrices: Static and dynamical properties of one-dimensional quantum systems at finite temperature"
quant-ph/0610210: O. Romero-Isart, K. Eckert, A. Sanpera, "Quantum State Transfer in Spin-1 Chains: Uncovering the Magnetic Order"
0610661: Javier Rodriguez-Laguna, Giuseppe E. Santoro, "On the Quantum Spin Glass Transition: the Ising model on random graphs"
0610660: Kazuo Hida, "Ferrimagnetic and Long Period Antiferromagnetic Phases in High Spin Heisenberg Chains with D-Modulation"
0610543: Y. Weiss, M. Goldstein, R. Berkovits, "Driving a first order quantum phase transition by coupling a quantum dot to a 1D charge density wave"
0610530: S. Iblisdir, R. Orus, J.I. Latorre, "Matrix Product States Algorithms and Continuous Systems"
0610503: S. Glocke, A. Klumper, H. Rakoto, J. M. Broto, A. U. B. Wolter, S. Sullow, "S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with staggered fields: Copper pyrimidine and copper benzoate using the density matrix renormalization group for transfer matrices"
0610499: O. Legeza, J. Solyom, L. Tincani, R. M. Noack, "Entropic analysis of quantum phase transitions from uniform to spatially inhomogeneous phases"
0610466: Richard Berkovits, Boris Altshuler, "Anti-Kondo regime of charge transport through a double dot molecule"
0610455: I. Maruyama, N. Shibata, K. Ueda, "Theory of Fano-Kondo effect in quantum dot systems: temperature dependence of the Fano line shapes"
0610452: Isao Maruyama, Tetsuji Koide, Yasuhiro Hatsugai, "U(1) symmetry breaking in one-dimensional Mott insulator studied by the Density Matrix Renormalization Group method"
0610397: G. Roux, E. Orignac, P. Pujol, D. Poilblanc, "Bosonization and DMRG study of FFLO phase and irrational magnetization plateaus in coupled chains"
0610393: J. Hecker Denschlag, A. J. Daley, "Exotic atom pairs: Repulsively bound states in an optical lattice"
0610379: Ravindra W. Chhajlany, Piotr Tomczak, Antoni Wojcik, Johannes Richter, "Entanglement in the Majumdar-Ghosh model"
0610375: H. Casini, M. Huerta, "A c-theorem for the entanglement entropy"
quant-ph/0610099: G. Vidal, "A class of quantum many-body states that can be efficiently simulated"
gr-qc/0610022: Saurya Das, S. Shankaranarayanan, "Entanglement as a source of black hole entropy"
0610210: Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll, "Time evolution algorithms for Matrix Product States and DMRG"
0610121: T. Mishra, Ramesh V. Pai, B. P. Das, "Phase separation in a two species Bose mixture"
0609682: V. Eisler, O. Legeza, Z. Racz, "Fluctuations in subsystems of the zero temperature XX chain: Emergence of an effective temperature"
0609604: Lode Pollet, Corinna Kollath, Ulrich Schollwoeck, Matthias Troyer, "Mixture of bosonic and spin-polarized fermionic atoms in an optical lattice"
0609555: F. Heidrich-Meisner, I.A. Sergienko, A.E. Feiguin, E.R. Dagotto, "Universal emergence of the one-third plateau in the magnetization process of frustrated quantum spin chains"
0609496: M. Clemancey, H. Mayaffre, C. Berthier, M. Horvatic, J.-B. Fouet, S. Miyahara, F. Mila, B. Chiari, O. Piovesana, "Field Induced Staggered Magnetization and Magnetic Ordering in Cu_2 (C_5 H_{12} N_2)_2 Cl_4"
0609346: Gao Xianlong, M. Rizzi, Marco Polini, Rosario Fazio, M.P. Tosi, V.L. Campo Jr., K. Capelle, "Luther-Emery Phase and Atomic-Density Waves in a Trapped Fermion Gas"
0609307: Emanuele G. Dalla Torre, Erez Berg, Ehud Altman, "Hidden order in one dimensional Bose insulators"
0609296: Martin Hohenadler, Georg Hager, Gerhard Wellein, Holger Fehske, "Carrier-density effects in many-polaron systems"
0609281: Andrzej Drzewinski, J. M. J. van Leeuwen, "Crossover from Reptation to Rouse dynamics in the Cage Model"
0609263: Masudul Haque, Oleksandr Zozulya, Kareljan Schoutens, "Entanglement entropy in fermionic Laughlin states"
quant-ph/0609149: D. Gross and J. Eisert, "Novel schemes for measurement-based quantum computation"
quant-ph/0609051: J. Eisert, "Optimizing over several sites in DMRG to find quantum ground states is NP-hard"
0609088: S. Iblisdir, J.I. Latorre, R. Orus, "Entropy and Exact Matrix Product Representation of the Laughlin Wave Function"
0609072: Paul Fendley, Matthew P.A. Fisher, Chetan Nayak, "Topological Entanglement Entropy from the Holographic Partition Function"
quant-ph/0609044: R.G. Unanyan, M. Fleischhauer, D. Bruss, "Entanglement of Collectively Interacting Harmonic Chains"
quant-ph/0609022: Davide Rossini, Vittorio Giovannetti, Rosario Fazio, "Information transfer rates in spin quantum channels"
0609049: Jize Zhao, Kazuo Ueda, Xiaoqun Wang, "Low energy excitations of the one dimensional attractive SU(4) Hubbard model"
0609039: Karen Hallberg, "New Trends in Density Matrix Renormalizatio"
quant-ph/0609002: Stephen D. Bartlett, Terry Rudolph, "A simple 2-local Hamiltonian system for which the ground state is a universal resource for quantum computation"
0609.JPA: S.G. Chung, "New method for the quantum ground states in one dimension"
0608725: S. Costamagna, C. J. Gazza, M. E. Torio, J. A. Riera, "Anderson impurity in the one-dimensional Hubbard model on finite size systems"
0608721: A. J. Daley, A. Kantian, H. P. Buechler, P. Zoller, K. Winkler, G. Thalhammer, F. Lang, R. Grimm, J. Hecker Denschlag, "Repulsively bound atom pairs: Overview, Simulations and Links"
0608582: Kazuo Hida, "Ferrimagnetic States in S=1/2 Frustrated Heisenberg Chains with Period 3 Exchange Modulation"
quant-ph/0608197: D. Perez-Garcia, F. Verstraete, M.M. Wolf, J.I. Cirac, "Matrix Product State Representations"
0608567: S. Moukouri, "A Renormalization Group Approach for Highly Anisotropic Fermion systems"
0608554: M. G. Banks, F. Heidrich-Meisner, A. Honecker, H. Rakoto, J.-M. Broto, R. K. Kremer, "High field magnetisation of the frustrated one dimensional quantum antiferromagnet LiCuVO4"
0608395: Manoranjan Kumar, S. Ramasesha, Diptiman Sen, Z. G. Soos, "DMRG study of scaling exponents in spin-1/2 Heisenberg chains with dimerization and frustration"
0608351: Bernd Schmidt, Michael Fleischhauer, "Exact numerical simulations of a one-dimensional, trapped Bose gas"
0608326: C.J. Gazza, A.O. Dobry, D.C. Cabra, T. Vekua, "Excitations with fractional spin smaller than 1/2 in frustrated magnetoelastic chains"
0608248: A. Osterloh, G. Palacios, S. Montangero, "Enhancement of pairwise entanglement from $\mathbbm{Z}_2$ symmetry breaking"
0608244: D. J. Garcia, E. Miranda, K. Hallberg, M. J. Rozenberg, "Mott transition in the Hubbard model away from particle-hole symmetry"
quant-ph/0608060: M. Van den Nest, W. Dur, G. Vidal, H. J. Briegel, "Classical simulation versus universality in measurement based quantum computation"
quant-ph/0608057: Tomaz Prosen, Marko Znidaric, "Is efficiency of classical simulations of quantum dynamics related to integrability?"
0608100: J. C. Xavier, A. L. Malvezzi, "Absence of a true long-range orbital order in a two-leg Kondo ladders model"
0608091: C. Kollath, A. Iucci, I. McCulloch, T. Giamarchi, "Modulation spectroscopy with ultracold fermions in an optical lattice"
0608042: M. Stewart Siu, Marvin Weinstein, "Exploring Contractor Renormalization: Tests on the 2-D Heisenberg Antiferromagnet and Some New Perspectives"
quant-ph/0608013: Roman Orus, "Entanglement, quantum phase transitions and quantum algorithms"
0607722: Laura Urba, Emil Lundh, Anders Rosengren, "One-dimensional extended Bose-Hubbard model with a confining potential: a DMRG analysis"
0607445: Michael J Hartmann, "Minimal length scales for the existence of local temperature"
0607374: K. Buchta, O. Legeza, E. Szirmai, J. Solyom, "Mott transition and dimerization in the one-dimensional SU$(n)$ Hubbard model"
0607336: Hiroshi Miyazaki, Tomohiko Hiwasa, Masataka Oko, Isao Harada, "Spin-Reorientation Transition of Field-Induced Magnetic Ordering Phases in the Anisotropic Haldane System"
0607254: A. Griessner, A. J. Daley, S. R. Clark, D. Jaksch, P. Zoller, Holger Fehske, "Dark state cooling of atoms by superfluid immersion"
0607209: Alexander Weisse, Georg Hager, Alan R. Bishop, Holger Fehske, "Phase diagram of the spin-Peierls chain with local coupling"
0607173: Andreas Laeuchli, Guido Schmid, Simon Trebst, "Spin nematic correlations in bilinear-biquadratic S=1 spin chains"
0607104: Hiroaki Onishi, Takashi Hotta, "Effect of Hund's rule coupling on SU(4) spin-orbital system"
0607054: G. I. Japaridze, R. M. Noack, D. Baeriswyl, "Nature of the metal-insulator transition in the half--filled t-t' Hubbard chain"
0607050: Shunsuke Furukawa, Gregoire Misguich, Masaki Oshikawa, "Reduced Density Matrices and Topological Order in a Quantum Dimer Model"
0607.JPA: S.G. Chung, "New method for the 3D Ising model",
quant-ph/0606240: F. Franchini, A. R. Its, B.-Q. Jin, V. E. Korepin, "Analysis of entropy of XY Spin Chain"
0606748: H. Benthien, E. Jeckelmann, "Spin and charge dynamics of the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model"
0606705: Erik S. Sorensen, Ming-Shyang Chang, Nicolas Laflorencie, Ian Affleck, "Impurity Entanglement Entropy and the Kondo Screening Cloud"
0606697: Takanori Yamashita, Norio Kawakami, Makoto Yamashita, "ermionic atoms trapped in one-dimensional optical superlattice with harmonic confinement"
quant-ph/0606190: Gerardo Adesso, "Entanglement and standard form for N-mode pure Gaussian states"
0606515: T. Hanney, R. B. Stinchcombe, "Real-space renormalisation group approach to driven diffusive systems"
0606447: A. Drzewinski, A. Maciolek, K. Szota, "On the surface critical behaviour in Ising strips: density-matrix renormalization-group study"
0606443: Andrzej Drzewinski, J. M. J. van Leeuwen, "Crossover from reptation to Rouse dynamics in a one-dimensional model"
0606360: Georg Hager, Alexander Weisse, Gerhard Wellein, Eric Jeckelmann, Holger Fehske, "The spin-Peierls chain revisited"
0606265: Sara Bergkvist, Ian McCulloch, Anders Rosengren, "Spinful bosons in an optical lattice"
0606155: K. Rodriguez, S.R. Manmana, M. Rigol, R.M. Noack, A. Muramatsu, "Coherent matter waves emerging from Mott-insulators"
0606115: Johannes Hachmann, Wim Cardoen, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan, "Quadratic Scaling Multireference Correlation in Long Molecules with the Density Matrix Renormalization Group"
math-ph/0606018: Spyridon Michalakis, Bruno Nachtergaele, "Entanglement in Finitely Correlated Spin States"
0606018: U. Schollwoeck, S. R. White, "Methods for Time Dependence in DMRG"
0605756: Yoichi Asada, Axel Freyn, Jean-Louis Pichard, "Conductance of nano-systems with interactions coupled via conduction electrons: Effect of indirect exchange interactions"
0605729: L. Campos Venuti, C. Degli Esposti Boschi, E. Ercolessi, G. Morandi, F. Ortolani, S. Pasini, M. Roncaglia, "Stable particles in anisotropic spin-1 chains"
0605719: Hsiang-Hsuan Hung, Chang-De Gong, Yung-Chung Chen, Min-Fong Yang, "Search for quantum dimer phases and transitions in a frustrated spin ladder"
0605683: Eduardo Fradkin, Joel E. Moore, "Entanglement entropy of 2D conformal quantum critical points: hearing the shape of a quantum drum"
0605597: G. Vidal, "Classical simulation of infinite-size quantum lattice systems in one spatial dimension"
0605433: Satoshi Ejima, Florian Gebhard, Satoshi Nishimoto, "Tomonaga-Luttinger parameters and spin excitations in the dimerized extended Hubbard model"
hep-th/0605142: Manfred Requardt, "Entanglement-Entropy for Groundstates, Low-lying and Highly Excited Eigenstates of General (Lattice) Hamiltonians"
quant-ph/0605133: Heng Fan, Vladimir Korepin, Vwani Roychowdhury, Christopher Hadley, Sougato Bose, "Boundary Effects to Entropy and Entanglement of the Spin-1 Valence-Bond Solid"
0605411: Rene Derian, Andrej Gendiar, Tomotoshi Nishino, "Absence of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phasetransition in two-dimensional Axial-Next-Nearest-Neighbor Ising model"
math/0605256: Peter Zograf, "Tensor networks and the enumeration of regular subgraphs"
hep-th/0605073: Shinsei Ryu, Tadashi Takayanagi, "Aspects of Holographic Entanglement Entropy"
0605204: F. Heidrich-Meisner, A. Honecker, T. Vekua, "The frustrated ferromagnetic spin-1/2 chain in a magnetic field"
0605194: Tobias J. Osborne, "A Renormalisation-Group Algorithm for Eigenvalue Density Functions of Interacting Quantum Systems"
quant-ph/0605133: Heng Fan, Vladimir Korepin, Vwani Roychowdhury, Christopher Hadley, Sougato Bose, "Boundary Effects to Entropy and Entanglement of the Spin-1Valence-Bond Solid"
quant-ph/0605112: A. Riera, J. I. Latorre, "Area law and vacuum reordering in harmonic networks"
quant-ph/0605051: Davide Rossini, Tommaso Calarco, Vittorio Giovannetti, Simone Montangero, Rosario Fazio, "Decoherence by engineered quantum baths"
quant-ph/0605021: Tohya Hiroshima, Gerardo Adesso, Fabrizio Illuminati, "Monogamy inequality for distributed Gaussian entanglement"
0605034: J. Lou, A. W. Sandvik, "Variational ground states of 2D antiferromagnets in the valence bond basis"
quant-ph/0604186: Jose Gaite, "Renormalization Group and Quantum Information"
0604625 : S.R. Clark, D. Jaksch, "Signatures of the superfluid to Mott-insulator transition in the excitation spectrum of ultracold atoms"
0604523 : Andre L Malvezzi, Thereza Paiva, Raimundo Rdos Santos, "Modulation of charge-density waves by superlattice structures"
0604517: Frithjof B. Anders, Avraham Schiller, "Spin Precession and Real Time Dynamics in the Kondo Model: A Time-Dependent Numerical Renormalization-Group Study"
0604328: Haihui Guo, Steven R. White, "Density matrix renormalization group algorithms for Y-junctions"
0604327: J. Sirker, "Spin diffusion and the anisotropic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain"
0604194: Nobuya Maeshima, Kouichi Okunishi, Kiyomi Okamoto, Tohru Sakai, Kenji Yonemitsu, "Possibility of field-induced incommensurate order in quasi-one-dimensional frustrated spin system"
0604164: J. J. Garcia-Ripoll, J. Pachos, "Fragmented superfluid due to frustration of cold atoms in optical lattices"
0604134: A. Isacsson, O. F. Syljuasen, "Variational treatment of the Shastry-Sutherland antiferromagnet using Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS)"
0604077: B. Hu, J. X. Wang, "Density Matrix Renormalization Group study on incommensurate quantum Frenkel-Kontorova model"
0604076: Hiroaki Onishi, Takashi Hotta, "Spin-orbital gap of multiorbital antiferromagnet"
0603842: G. De Chiara, M. Rizzi, D. Rossini, S. Montangero, "Density Matrix Renormalization Group for Dummies"
0603721: C. Kollath, A. Iucci, T. Giamarchi, W. Hofstetter, U. Schoellwoeck, "Spectroscopy of ultracold atoms by periodic lattice modulations"
0603681: R. G. Pereira, J. Sirker, J.-S. Caux, R. Hagemans, J. M. Maillet, S. R. White, I. Affleck, "The dynamical spin structure factor for the anisotropic spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain"
0603609: J.-B. Fouet, F. Mila, D. Clarke, H. Youk, O. Tchernyshyov, P. Fendley, R. M. Noack, "Condensation of magnons and spinons in a frustrated ladder"
0603519: H. T. Lu, Y. J. Wang, Shaojin Qin, T. Xiang, "Zigzag spin chains with antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic interactions"
0603504: C. Dziurzik, G.I. Japaridze, A. Schadschneider, I. Titvinidze, J. Zittartz, "Triplet superconductivity in a 1D itinerant electron system with transverse spin anisotropy"
0603273: K. Eckert, L. Zawitkowski, M.J. Leskinen, A. Sanpera, M.Lewenstein, "Ultracold atomic Bose and Fermi spinor gases in optical lattices"
quant-ph/0603163: Richard Jozsa, "On the simulation of quantum circuits"
quant-ph/0603137: Tobias J. Osborne, "The ground state of a class of noncritical 1D quantum spin systems can be approximated efficiently"
quant-ph/0603114: Jens Eisert, Tobias J. Osborne, "General entanglement scaling laws from time evolution"
hep-th/0603064: Herman E. Boos, Frank Goemann, Andreas Klumper, Junji Suzuki, "Factorization of multiple integrals representing the density matrix of a finite segment of the Heisenberg spin chain"
0603193: Masanori Kohno, Xiao Hu, "Anomalous impurity effect on magnetization in frustrated one-dimensional ferro- and ferrimagnets"
nucl-th/0603021: J. Rotureau, N. Michel, W. Nazarewicz, M. Ploszajczak, J. Dukelsky, "Density matrix renormalization group approach for many-body open quantum systems"
0603168: C. J. Gazza, M. E. Torio, J. A. Riera, "Quantum dot with ferromagnetic leads: a DMRG study"
0603098: N. Bulut, H. Matsueda, T. Tohyama, S. Maekawa, "Anomalous temperature dependence of the single-particle spectrum in the organic conductor TTF-TCNQ"
0603078: Gabor Fath, Ors Legeza, Peter Lajko, Ferenc Igloi, "Logarithmic delocalization of end spins in the S=3/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain"
hep-th/0602134: Dmitri V. Fursaev, "Entanglement Entropy in Critical Phenomena and Analogue Models of Quantum Gravity"
quant-ph/0602233: Stein Olav Skrovseth, "Entanglement properties of quantum spin chains"
quant-ph/0602230: S. Anders, M. B. Plenio, W. Dur, F. Verstraete, H.-J. Briegel, "Ground state approximation for strongly interacting systems in arbitrary dimension"
0602527: Raoul Santachiara, "Increasing of entanglement entropy from pure to random quantum critical chains"
0602511: M.Bortz, J.Sirker, "The one-dimensional Hubbard model with open ends: Universal divergent contributions to the magnetic susceptibility"
0602493: Andrzej Drzewinski, J. M. J. van Leeuwen, "Exact Solution for a 1-dimensional model for Reptation"
0602352: T. Hand, J. Kroha, H. Monien, "Finite-Size Effects In An Ultra-small Kondo Box"
quant-ph/0602094: Weifei Li, Letian Ding, Rong Yu, Tommaso Roscilde, Stephan Haas, "Scaling Behavior of Entanglement in Two- and Three-Dimensional Free Fermions"
0602305: Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll, "Numerical methods for time evolution of Matrix Product States"
0602291: Shinji Watanabe, Masatoshi Imada, Kazumasa Miyake, "Superconductivity emerging near quantum critical point of valence transition"
0602230: S. Anders, M. B. Plenio, W. Dur, F. Verstraete, H.-J. Briegel, "Ground state approximation for strongly interacting systems in arbitrary dimension"
0602166: Gabriel Vasseur, Dietmar Weinmann, Rodolfo A. Jalabert , "Coulomb blockade without potential barriers"
0602077: Thomas Barthel, Ming-Chiang Chung, Ulrich Schollwoeck, "Entanglement scaling in critical two-dimensional fermionic and bosonic systems"
0602016: Kazuo Hida, "Field Induced Multiple Reentrant Quantum Phase Transitions in Randomly Dimerized Antiferromagnetic S=1/2 Heisenberg Chains"
0601713: Paolo Amore, "A variational sinc collocation method for strong-coupling problems"
0601625: Naokazu Shibata, Daijiro Yoshioka, "Ground State of v=1 bilayer quantum Hall systems"
quant-ph/0601178: Nadav Yoran, Anthony J. Short, "Classical simulation of limited-width cluster-state quantum computation"
nucl-th/0601044: S. Pittel, N. Sandulescu, "Density Matrix Renormalization Group and the Nuclear Shell Model"
math-ph/0601496: Shi-Jian Gu, Rui Fan, and Hai-Qing Lin, "The ground state of a mixture of two species of fermionic atoms in 1D optical lattice"
math-ph/0601038: Robert Weston, "The Entanglement Entropy of Solvable Lattice Models"
0601481: Y. Yan, S. Mazumdar, S. Ramasesha, "Theory of spin gaps in the dimerized quarter-filled two-leg rectangular ladder"
0601411: K.A. Al-Hassanieh, A.E. Feiguin, J.A. Riera, C.A. Busser, E. Dagotto, "Applying Adaptive Time-Dependent DMRG to Calculate the Conductance of Strongly Correlated Nanostructures"
0601389: Guenter Schneider, Peter Schmitteckert, "Conductance in strongly correlated 1D systems: Real-Time Dynamics in DMRG"
0601254: E. Rico, "Scale perturbation in valence bond ground states"
0601222: A. Abendschein, F. F. Assaad, "Temperature dependence of spectral functions for the one-dimensional Hubbard model: comparison with experiments"
quant-ph/0601075: F. Verstraete, M. M. Wolf, D. Perez-Garcia, J. I. Cirac, "Criticality, the area law, and the computational power of PEPS"
quant-ph/0601024: Quanlin Jie, Dunhuan Liu, "An alternative implementation of the Lanczos algorithm for wave function propagation"
quant-ph/0601019: Tobias J. Osborne, "Simulating adiabatic evolution of gapped spin systems"

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